About the project

LIFE PAYT is a European project of the LIFE Environment Program that is taking place in 5 cities in 3 different countries: Aveiro, Condeixa and Lisbon (Portugal), Vrilissia (Greece) and Larnaca (Cyprus). This project is pioneer in Portugal and uses innovative containers to measure the waste deposited in them and encourages the selective collection of recyclable waste.

What will be done?

A PAYT “Pay-as-you-throw”, which means paying only for what is thrown away, waste tariff model will be tested.

What should the user do?

The user will have access to innovative containers to place undifferentiated waste. In the case of the domestic sector, new collective waste containers will be installed and opened with an electronic card. In the non-domestic sector, individual containers identified with a chip or a serial number will be distributed. The amount of waste placed in the containers is then sent to an electronic platform, where the respective tariffs will be calculated. Whoever produces more waste will pay more, whoever separates their waste will pay less.

How will the user be helping the environment?

By depositing less undifferentiated waste and separating more, the user reduces waste sent to landfill and contributes to increased recycling. In this way, it will be driving the circular economy and environmental sustainability.

What are the benefits for the user, in economic terms?

This is just a pilot project. In a PAYT tariff system, the user only pays for the undifferentiated waste it produces, and not an amount that depends on water consumption, as today. In the case of municipalities that have already regulated the PAYT tariff, users (who have adhered to the PAYT tariff) will pay a tariff according to the undifferentiated waste actually produced. In the case of municipalities that have not regulated the PAYT tariff, at the end of the month, the water bill will show the amount that you would have paid if the PAYT tariff was in force, next to the amount you currently pay, allowing you to compare costs. Like this, the more recyclable waste to separate, the less undifferentiated waste you will be producing and the lower the associated cost!

How long is the LIFEPAYT Project?

The LIFEPAYT Project was started on September 1, 2016 and will end on March 31, 2021 (55 months).

What is the estimated budget for the LIFEPAYT Project?

The Project has a global budget of 2,517,571€, with the European Union contributing of 1,351,945€. The budget values ​​foreseen for each partner are shown below:

  • Municipality of Aveiro: 186 607 €
  • Municipality of Condeixa: 289 486 €
  • Municipality of Lisboa: 435 768 €
  • Municipality of Lárnaca: 255 798 €
  • Municipality of Vrilissia: 245 370 €
  • University of Aveiro: 281 050 €
  • Technical University of Athens: 408 374 €
  • Polytechnic Institute of Coimbra: 415 118 €