Actions and Means

The team

A technical team composed of experts, acting in different fields, from social scientists, to engineers, working at three Universities have joined forces with the technical staff and managers of five municipalities from Portugal, Greece and Cyprus to implement project LIFE PAYT.

How to connect waste to those producing it?

The project team will use different strategies to link the waste producer with the amount of waste discarded, namely.

  • Container ID: using RFID tags on individual waste bins. When the container is dumped into the truck, the data will be read by an optical sensor in the collection vehicle, and the data is sent via GPRS to a central platform, for processing. The volume of waste deposited by each producer in the collection system will be included in the bill sent every month to the owner of the container.
  • User ID: giving access to kerbside containers to users with an ID card. Each time the ID card is used a fixed volume of waste can be deposited through an opening at the lid. The number of time the user opens the container will be registered and the data sent via GPRS to a central platform, for processing. The volume of waste deposited by each user is calculated from the number of times the card was used and volume of the compartment, and this amount will be added to the monthly bill.

The web portal

A tailor made software tool, developed by IT specialists from Aveiro University, will connect data to a web-based portal, showing decision makers, citizens and staff how much waste is being produced and how PAYT is performing in the demonstration areas.

Participatory approach

Using a participatory approach, PAYT benefits will be explained, getting in return feedback (citizens, decision makers). Sociological tools will both be used for the engagement of communities, their awareness, training and information. A high level of involvement, especially decision makers (elected officials, tech. staff, managers) will be fostered through specific training courses and by the formation of a steering committee.


A network on PAYT will be developed. The results and support tools developed during the project will be made available and disseminated through the network, enabling wide project replication in South Europe.


Local and national press publications, tech. magazines; workshops; etc, will expose stakeholders to information, tackling the main obstacles to PAYT success in order to better understand the challenges, solutions and benefits along implementation of PAYT waste tariffs.


Photo by BLMOregon