Optimized version of container is installed for further tests at Forca

Who lives near the Mozambique Street, in the pilot area of ​​the Urbanization Forca Vouga in Aveiro, can now use the second version of the container under test since the last September 20, to deposit their mixed waste. This second version has a lid with greater mechanical strength, which makes it easier to open and less likely to jam. Also the electronic system of the card reader has been improved to ensure high reliability in the data collection.

In the first phase of the testing, which took place in May 2018, several mechanical problems had been identified which prevented a regular use of containers. At that time, residents contributed giving suggestions to improve the system. The volume of the new raffle drum is now 40 liters (previously was 25 liters) and the opening was expanded to facilitate the deposition of the 30-liter plastic bags, which is the most common size used in the households.

This second testing phase is to ensure the access control of the containers by those who have their own card (previously distributed to residents), ensuring that the tombola unlocks and that the card reading is correct. After the guarantee of the correct functioning of the system, the remaining containers will be installed to start the operation of the PAYT system, which means “pay- as-you-throw”.

The PAYT system technology is needed to calculate the volume of waste per household or commercial establishment. With the registered data, it is possible to every family to know how much waste is produced and pay for only that amount, rather than the currently practiced rate based on water consumption. The PAYT system helps to establish a fair price for waste tariffs, and it helps as well to track changes in the citizens behaviours.