Local event for the waste management authorities in Vrilissia

The 1st local event organized for the waste management authorities of the Ministries, Municipalities and various sectors, presented informations about the current composting plan as well as the technical specifications of the new waste containers that will be placed in the Municipality of Vrilissia. The event was co-organized together with another event (for 1 day) coordinated by the City Council of Vrilissia, dealing with the source-separation of waste and also home-composting, on June 28, 2017. Professor Loizidou gave a full presentation on the demonstration phase of the LIFE PAYT project in the Municipality of Vrilissia, while Vice President Alexis Mavraganis

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Meeting of the Management Committee of the LIFE PAYT project in Athens

The second meeting of the Management Committee of the LIFE PAYT project took place in Athens, from the 26th to the 27th of June. This commission comprises the representatives from each partner, the responsible for technical coordination and for the project management. This meeting aims to monitor the project progress and ensure the tasks are successfully performed. During this meeting, it was possible to analyze the overall progress of the project so far, making decisions on administrative, scientific and financial issues.      

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Information session in Aveiro related to the “LIFE PAYT” project

On June 8, 2017, at 18: 30h, took place an information session, in the building of the former Captaincy of the Port of Aveiro,  related to the project LIFE PAYT, intended for residents of the Forca-Vouga Urbanization. The session, chaired by Mrs. Administrative Councilor for Environment and Quality, Dr. Raquel Madureira, aimed to present the project to residents of the neighborhood. The event presented the new waste container that will be used by residents of Urbanization and presented as well the web portal where all citizens can monitor their waste production during the project’s time period. Besides the City Council

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[PORTUGUESE] Sessão local de esclarecimento do projeto LIFE PAYT

  Programa 18h30 Boas Vindas   Eng. José Ribau Esteves (Presidente da CM Aveiro) 18h40 Apresentação geral do Projeto LIFE PAYT   Doutora Célia Ferreira (Coordenadora do Projeto LIFE PAYT) 18h55 Projeto LIFE PAYT: sua aplicação na Urbanização Forca Vouga   Doutora Raquel Madureira (Vereadora do Pelouro do Ambiente e Qualidade) 19h10 Debate 19h20 Aveiro D’Honra   O QUE É O PROJETO LIFE PAYT? O LIFE PAYT – Ferramenta para reduzir os resíduos no Sul da Europa é um projeto do programa LIFE Ambiente, cofinanciado pela Comissão Europeia. O seu objetivo principal é apoiar os municípios na adoção de tarifas

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Strategic campaigns for training in Vrilissia

The LIFE PAYT project in Vrilissia developed two trainig events in 2017. Vrilissia Municipality organized one meeting on Wednesday, June 7, 2017. The Vice Mayor Konstantinos Vafiadis informed the elected officials about an alternative waste tariff system, at the Town Hall of Vrilissia Municipality. Another training meeting was organized, on the same day. The Vice Mayor, Alexis Mavraganis informed the technical staff of the Vrilissia Municipality about the equipment that will be used during the LIFE PAYT implementation phase. The meeting took place at the premises of the Municipal Cleansing Services of Vrilissia Municipality.

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Popular participation: second event in Vrilissia further promotes the LIFE PAYT project

Several residents from Vrilissia municipality and the nearby suburbs, as well as representatives of the organization Vrilissos were informed about the LIFE PAYT project in the Rematia park in the municipality of Vrilissia, on Sunday, May 21, 2017. To further promote the LIFE PAYT information event, invitations were distributed door to door in the pilot area of LIFE PAYT in the municipality of Vrilissia.

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Vrilissia Municipality participates in the LIFE-PAYT project

Vrilissia Municipality has announced its participation in the LIFE-PAYT project (Tool to reduce Waste in South Europe). The project aims to develop activities necessary for the implementation of the specific objectives for waste set out in the Roadmap for a Resource-Efficient Europe and the 7th Environment Action. The project is co-funded by LIFE, the EU financial instrument for the environment.

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