Training session for local elected representatives: “Waste Management and PAYT Tariff Systems”

At a time when national legal regulations impose the implementation of PAYT-type tariff systems by municipalities in the short/medium term, it is essential that decision-makers have sufficient tools that allow them to recognize the environmental and economic sustainability associated with this type systems in order to make informed decisions.

In this context, the LIFEPAYT Project promoted, on the 24th of June 2021, a training session for local mayors, entitled “Waste Management and PAYT Tariff Systems”. This event, organized by the team from the Polytechnic Institute of Coimbra, aimed to sensitize mayors and decision-makers in municipalities about waste management in general and about the implementation of PAYT systems, in particular.

The training session had a generic approach to urban waste management in Portugal, a brief approach to the legal aspects in force and a specific approach to the implementation of PAYT tariffs.

The exchange of information and experiences between all stakeholders in the waste sector is essential to identify more sustainable solutions.

Considering that other mayors and local elected representatives may be interested in watching this training session, the video for viewing it can be accessed here.