IPC joins the Lisbon Municipality team during their visits to the large waste producers

On February 11, 2020, members of the LIFE PAYT team from the Polytechnical Institute of Coimbra (IPC) joined the Lisbon Municipality team in two monitoring visits to the Large Waste Producers. This activity carried out periodically by technicians of the Munucipality includes about 10 monthly visits to check  on the spot each of the systems implemented, serving to assess the correct separation of waste, the filling level of the containers and the need (or not) of acquisition of more equipment. Additionally, the team continuously provides awareness information to improve waste management. The recorded data, during the visits, are discharged in

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LIFE PAYT team conducts a survey for the non-domestic sector in Condeixa-a-Nova

On the 16th, 21st and 22nd of January and on the 4th and 5th February 2020, the IPC and CMC teams conducted a face-to-face opinion surveys in several parishes in the municipality of Condeixa-a-Nova, as part of an action developed under the LIFE PAYT Project. Focused only at the non-domestic sector, the surveys aimed to collect the perception and behavior of those responsible for the commercial establishments regarding the management of waste produced. The establishments covered by this action included hairdressers, supermarkets, restaurants, traditional shops, as well as banks, public entities and other services. The results will soon be available

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State of play on the testing phase of the PAYT container installed in the Forca Vouga zone in Aveiro

In the first testing phase of  the PAYT container for undifferentiated urban waste carried out in Aveiro in 2018, mechanical problems were identified with the type of container installed, another limitation was the too small (25 liters) capacity of the tank for waste deposition, which led to a long process of collaboration with the service provider to find a better solution. In this sense, a second version of PAYT container with a more robust lid, with a larger capacity drum (40 liters) for the waste deposition was installed at Rua de Moçambique (Forca Vouga), with a less complex drum with less

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Condeixa-a-Nova has two new vehicles to measure the volume of waste and promote recycling

The municipality of Condeixa-a-Nova received in November a new car mixed waste collection you want to reply to the implementation of PAYT system (Pay as you throw / pay for what lies outside), expected to come into force in the first quarter of 2020, benefiting more who separates recyclables. In addition to the collection of mixed waste car, the city also acquired a second car collection of recyclable waste. This vehicle is intended to meet the need to create new collection of recyclable waste circuits, including door-to-door next to commercial establishments and services. This is a key investment for the implementation of

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PAYT weight-based bins pilot testing, in Vrilissia Municipality

Ten PAYT waste bins have been placed for pilot testing at Vrilissia Municipality. A few citizens at the project demonstration area were trained and informed about the project in order to record potential issues. This way, the PAYT project team had the chance to adjust several issues, thus facilitating the implementation of the full scale demonstration phase of the project.

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Improved PAYT container is installed at Forca

The optimized version of the PAYT container placed at Rua de Moçambique (Bairro da Forca – Aveiro) in September 2019 allowed the identification of some problems in the container that need to be corrected. One problem is that opening the lid using force is easy, and when this happens the container remains open until the next waste collection occurs. At this stage, the supplier of the PAYT container is trying to find the best solution to solve the problems identified.

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Monitoring visit to the LIFE PAYT project in Condeixa-a-Nova

  The 3rd Monitoring Visit the Project LIFE PAYT held by the European Commission / EASME with the presence of Dr. Filipa Ferrão, took place on 6 and 7 June in Condeixa-a-Nova. The visit included a Technical Meeting which was presented the work carried out under the LIFE Project PAYT. All Portuguese partners (Municipality of Aveiro, the city of Condeixa-a-Nova, the municipality of Lisbon, IPC and the University of Aveiro) were present, and the NTUA partners, Larnaca and Vrilissia participated via Skype.  The presentations on the latest developments of the project occured in the morning. In the afternoon, the Portuguese

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LIFE PAYT Lisbon: Control and verification measures established

Currently the Lisbon City Council is carrying out periodic monitoring and verification actions on the containers installed in the Large Producers that have a contract signed with the municipality, and the amount of waste collected is being registered with the aid of a software application developed for this purpose by the technical team of the Lisbon City Council. This ensures a waste system that quantifies and records the waste produced by Large Producers.  

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Establishment of new PAYT contracts with Large Waste Producers in Lisbon

The strategy of establishing new contracts with Large Producers, taking into account tariffs based on the PAYT system (pay only what you throw away) proved to be important for the implementation of the project in Lisbon. The system is based on placing a serial number on each container and establishing a contract with each large producer, with the tariff to be applied based on the number and volume of containers required (depending on the volume generated) and the frequency of collection of each row, as defined in each of the contracts signed with the municipality. The municipality predicts that in

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LIFE PAYT inventory in Lisbon – action creates database on Large Producers

For the implementation and monitoring of the LIFE PAYT project in Lisbon, it was necessary to develop a database containing essential information for the application of the PAYT, namely: identification of Large Waste Producers, identification of containers (using a serial number), identification of the volume of the containers and the frequency of collection, by row.

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