Condeixa-a-Nova started free collection of waste from commercial establishments

The Center of Solid Urban Waste (ERSUC) started in August a free door to door collection service for waste from business premises of Condeixa-a-Nova, announced today by the authority of the municipality of the district of Coimbra.

“In order to increase the amount and quality of recyclables, the ERSUC in collaboration with the municipality of Condeixa began on August 20th the selective door-to-door collection service  dedicated to the commercial establishments” (non-domestic sector), said the authority.

According to Nuno Moita, Mayor of Condeixa-a-Nova, it is “a system that has already been implemented in other countries and with very relevant results in terms of the amount of household waste that is sent to landfill, which dropped dramatically after the introduction of the new rules”.

The mayor warns that the success of this new system “depends largely on the cooperation of the citizens”, calling on the support and commitment of all.

According to the municipality, the first contact made with each shopkeeper presented the mode of operation of this new free service and proceeded to the delivery of plastic bags in the respective colors for each one of the streams (paper / cardboard, glass and packaging ), to facilitate the separation of packaging waste.

In this first phase, the waste collection for recycling will be performed three times a week (collection of paper / cardboard packaging and will be held on Mondays and Thursdays, and Saturdays glass).

At the time of collection, will be delivered to users new bags, in an amount appropriate to their needs, clarifies the authority.

The introduction of this new system aims to reduce the production of household waste and increase selective collection, paving the way for the implementation, in the non-domestic sector from one based waste collection system in PAYT system – Pay as You Throw (pay for what lies down out).

“In this way, it will soon be possible to adhere to a new tariff PAYT, fairer and more equitable, which benefits those less household waste produces. The new rate will no longer be pegged to the consumption of water, as happens now, going to be associated with the volume of mixed waste “, ensures the municipality.